31 juillet 2008

The Brooklyn Museum

30 juillet 2008

200808, a Book Odissey

200808, a Book Odissey, originally uploaded by Éole.

29 juillet 2008


Sweetden, originally uploaded by Éole.

Anonymous cuty, shot with zoom...
I guess I should not upload this photo, since I don't have right and this person can recognized. But I don't have any contact.
I liked the photo, so I uploaded it. If I have bad feedback, I'll remove it.

But I can't not upload swedish babe from Stockholm. This is for the good of the reputation of the country.

28 juillet 2008


02db_bestiaire_2008, originally uploaded by didier.bonaventure.

Bestiaire / Bestiary

À ces monstres
Qui refont surface ― grand bien leur fasse ―
Nulle mauvaise nouvelle ― oiseaux de mauvais augures ―
Ne viendra, cette fois, troubler mon sommeil.

Nul besoin de fer rouge ni d'arrache-cœurs,
Mes Erynnies s'en chargent,
Me poussent au cul.

En chemin je suis,
Ailleurs, un peu plus loin,
Pour faire autre chose, autrement.
Point, à la ligne.

db 13 août 2008

27 juillet 2008

the day we'll fly away

the day we'll fly away, originally uploaded by Campel.

26 juillet 2008

Returning To The Source

Returning To The Source, originally uploaded by Lightchaser.

South Tufa Reserve, Mono Lake, California (2000)

25 juillet 2008


02db_aupres_monarbre2, originally uploaded by didier.bonaventure.

Allez donc visiter la nouvelle série de Didier Bonnaventure :
Auprès de mon arbre.

On prend les mêmes
Et on recommence.
En couleur, cette fois.

Hommage à Georges Brassens, bien sûr :
"Auprès de mon arbre, je vivais heureux"

Cet arbre, qui se trouve derrière le Stade Olympique de Montréal,
Devait voyager, pour que je puisse, moi, être heureux
Et ne pas avoir le sentiment
De faire du sur place.

Alors voilà un résultat, des résultats,
Qui tous, je l'espère,
Nous laisse croire
Que cet arbre puisse être différent.

Oui ! à l'intensité du moment, à sa profondeur.
Oui ! à la verticalité des sentiments.

db 6 août 2008

24 juillet 2008


Discovery, originally uploaded by bkwdayton.

23 juillet 2008

Bottles on White

Bottles on White, originally uploaded by bkwdayton.

22 juillet 2008

Fountain Boy

Fountain Boy, originally uploaded by bkwdayton.

21 juillet 2008

On the Fence

On the Fence, originally uploaded by bkwdayton.

19 juillet 2008

Soothing Fan of Green

Soothing Fan of Green, originally uploaded by bkwdayton.

18 juillet 2008

Rainbow Balloon

Rainbow Balloon, originally uploaded by bkwdayton.

I shot this photo at the Inventing Flight Dayton 2003 balloon ascension event at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in July or August 2003.

Téléchargé par bkwdayton le 5 jan 08 à 5:49 (CEST).

17 juillet 2008

Relaxed Fit

Relaxed Fit, originally uploaded by bkwdayton.

16 juillet 2008

Dawn Rip-Wave No.2, Atlantic Ocean

....I want to be a part of the ocean like the ocean is a part of me
I feel the ocean's soul and it pulls me in,
Into a place of happiness and peace, I am the ocean....
From the poem, "I Am The Ocean" -Dee Kindrick

I travel to a location where, under certain conditions, huge and powerful rip-tides develop. The powerful rip-tide, going back out to sea, crashes into an incoming wave, thus producing tremendous energy and rare waves such as this one. It's like witnessing a head -on collision! The conditions were perfect today for rip-tides; wind, high tide, very rough surf, due to a big coastal storm and a full moon extra high tide. Great sunrise light also helped with capturing a rare event. Thanks for your very kind comments and interest.
Please view in large size for detail.

I have been asked for the camera information for this and my other wave shots.
Here is the info:
Canon zoom 28-350 f3.5 for both wave shots.
5D was set on shutter priority at 1/800
ISO 1250.
Auto bracketed at 1/2 f stop plus and minus.
BushHawk gun stock mount used
UV Filter
Thank you very much for your interest.

View Large: www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=409664422&size=o

15 juillet 2008

, originally uploaded by Eden-lys.

14 juillet 2008

Long way home

Long way home, originally uploaded by LucaPicciau.

Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

13 juillet 2008

Orchid Thief

Orchid Thief, originally uploaded by konaboy.

Orchid Thief
This particular gecko spends all day among a cluster of orchids outside my kitchen door.

12 juillet 2008


Silhouettes!, originally uploaded by charliecloutier.

Le vieillard et l'enfant!

11 juillet 2008

fatal attrA.ction

fatal attrA.ction, originally uploaded by michmahool.

10 juillet 2008


9, originally uploaded by ·júbilo·haku·.

Sin Edición . Ne Ŝanĝita . Not Edited

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Téléchargé par ·júbilo·haku· le 17 mai 07 à 8:54 (CEST).

09 juillet 2008

Gros coup de BLEU ...

Gros coup de BLEU ..., originally uploaded by Lionnel.

08 juillet 2008

through the window

through the window, originally uploaded by Rodrigo Adonis.

07 juillet 2008

are you............

are you............, originally uploaded by RCastro.

06 juillet 2008

Aos amigos da Espanha

Aos amigos da Espanha, originally uploaded by helenabraga.

04 juillet 2008

Imagine Summer

Imagine Summer, originally uploaded by OlliK.

03 juillet 2008

Red Geometry

Red Geometry, originally uploaded by Heaven`s Gate (John).

A close up detail of the Geodetic Dome in the centre of the "Epcot" Disney Theme Park, Orlando, Florida, USA.

Téléchargé par Heaven`s Gate (John) le 5 sep 06 à 9:37 (CEST).

02 juillet 2008


26/366, originally uploaded by bksecretphoto.

Jan 26 026/366
Perfect conditions for the perfect flakes this morning.
More back story on 1/day/366 blog

01 juillet 2008

1 Wall Street and Empire Building

1 Wall Street (left): hot-cha Art Deco skyscraper. Ralph Walker, 1921. Now home to The Bank of New York.

Empire Building (right): Francis Kimball, 1898. Was the home to U.S. Steel for three-quarters of a century. Now (of course) it's apartments.

I say a little more about the Empire Building on my landmarks blog.

National Register Numbers
Empire Building: 83004643
Wall Street Historic District: 07000063