16 juillet 2008

Dawn Rip-Wave No.2, Atlantic Ocean

....I want to be a part of the ocean like the ocean is a part of me
I feel the ocean's soul and it pulls me in,
Into a place of happiness and peace, I am the ocean....
From the poem, "I Am The Ocean" -Dee Kindrick

I travel to a location where, under certain conditions, huge and powerful rip-tides develop. The powerful rip-tide, going back out to sea, crashes into an incoming wave, thus producing tremendous energy and rare waves such as this one. It's like witnessing a head -on collision! The conditions were perfect today for rip-tides; wind, high tide, very rough surf, due to a big coastal storm and a full moon extra high tide. Great sunrise light also helped with capturing a rare event. Thanks for your very kind comments and interest.
Please view in large size for detail.

I have been asked for the camera information for this and my other wave shots.
Here is the info:
Canon zoom 28-350 f3.5 for both wave shots.
5D was set on shutter priority at 1/800
ISO 1250.
Auto bracketed at 1/2 f stop plus and minus.
BushHawk gun stock mount used
UV Filter
Thank you very much for your interest.

View Large: www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=409664422&size=o

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