08 juillet 2010

Way of Seeing

Way of Seeing, originally uploaded by jasontheaker.

Just digging through the archives as and the thing that struck I was just how many images I’ve processed and not uploaded to the web, this got me thinking.

I tend to review my images and process one or two of my favourites from any one session, then place them in a folder and sit on them for a bit in order to separate my familiarity of the session from distorting my objective view. Then if after a few weeks an image rekindles my attention, it must holds something deeper for me. This often is a collection of textures, light, conditions, but... even if a shot keeps my attention for months, the thing that always difficult, is below par composition. If a shot isn’t balanced I tend to reside it to the hard drive for good.

Anyway, the thing is, I don’t often go back past a few months, as I’ve come to view this practice as creatively moving backwards. But what I’ve been overlooking, is as your development moves forwards, it changes your perception and ironically this new way of seeing may unearth fresh insights from the past.

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